Getting to Know the Real Jesus

With Alexander Venter

“Getting to Know the Real Jesus” is an introduction to what is now called Jesus Research. Alexander Venter presents it in terms of “A Portrait of the Historical Jesus” – painting a picture of Jesus within his historical context – the period called Second Temple Judaism. Therefore, the course is essentially an introduction to and description of the Jesus of history – especially his mission and message of the eschatological (end-time) Kingdom of God.

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course, you will learn how to:

  • Introduce you to historical Jesus studies – now called Jesus Research – and the importance thereof.

  • To rediscover the Jesus of the gospels in his historical context.

  • To have a clearer personal vision of Jesus – “Getting to Know the Real Jesus” – as much as that is possible with the evidence available to us in our day.

  • So that you fall in love with him and follow him more intensely than ever before.

Course Curriculum

  1. 2
  2. 3
    • Learning Block 2.1

    • Learning Block 2.2

    • Learning Block 2.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 2

  3. 4
    • Learning Block 3.1

    • Learning Block 3.2

    • Learning Block 3.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 3

  4. 5
    • Learning Block 4.1

    • Learning Block 4.2

    • Learning Block 4.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 4

  5. 6
    • Learning Block 5.1

    • Learning Block 5.2

    • Learning Block 5.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 5

  6. 7
    • Learning Block 6.1

    • Learning Block 6.2

    • Learning Block 6.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 6

  7. 8
    • Learning Block 7.1

    • Learning Block 7.2

    • Learning Block 7.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 7

  8. 9
    • Learning Block 8.1

    • Learning Block 8.2

    • Learning Block 8.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 8

  9. 10
    • Learning Block 9.1

    • Learning Block 9.2

    • Learning Block 9.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 9

  10. 11
    • Learning Block 10.1

    • Learning Block 10.2

    • Learning Block 10.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 10

  11. 12
    • Learning Block 11.1

    • Learning Block 11.2

    • Learning Block 11.3

    • Quiz - Learning Block 11

Included in this course

36 Short Videos

11 Handouts